The Queen is Dead...
A peasant takes a stroll among the castle grounds on her way back to the keep.
She spies the water first, a mottled red. A terrifying contrast to the lush green lily pads that danced gracefully along the waves. A lifeless body, rocking gently amongst the current, her dress swaying as though in a waltz.
From deep within the peasant’s belly, a blood curdling scream rises, its sound so piercing it makes the King glance up from his desk in question.
From the echoing room of the study, he hears the footsteps, a distant thud against the cobblestone, gaining in pace as quickly as the thud, thud, thud becomes a resounding, never ending roll of thunder.
The peasant spies her ripped bodice.
A sinister bell tolls in the distance, its deafening boom nearly drowned by wails and screams.
The peasant stares at the gaping wound in her chest as she screams herself into oblivion.
Thud, thud, thud, the footsteps, an army of horses racing out to the battlefield.
Screams and bells and the thud, thud, thud collide in a cacophony of deranged sounds.
A heavy knock on the door.
“Your Majesty, the Queen is dead.”

Chapter One: Murder on the Menu
‘Twas the celebration of all celebrations. Castle Meta was abuzz with excitement, joy, and laughter. Rarely was there an occasion to see the nobles and peasants eating at the same table, or the Queen maids talking to the alchemists, but on this blessed day, all seemed but an afterthought. The anniversary of the Battle of Unicus Rock was an annual affair where citizens forgot the perils of their monotonous lives and, for a fine evening, lived freely.
The fair was marked each year with King Lucan, his closest noblemen, and most trusted knights partaking in a hunt in the dense forests surrounding the Castle grounds. They returned to the castle with enough meat to feed all citizens generously.
This year, there was a feast like none other. Roast duck and pheasant, potato pie, fire-grilled carrots, a smorgasbord of sweets, and ale… yards and yards and yards of ale.
As the refreshing liquid sloshed heartily over cups, voices loud and boisterous could be heard singing:
Lucan our King, our beloved Lord,
Forged by the steel of his steady sword,
Conquered the bastard Donaghue men,
Took ‘em, ne’er seen again!
Unicus Rock, ours it remains,
With its hearty meats and full of grain.
No fear has our King, not even a knife,
Perhaps, only maybe his wife!
Drowned among the vivacious chants, whispers of treason slid cold and hard throughout the celebration. Blink and you would have missed the secret glances, the subtle nods and sly smirks, traded like a jester’s deck of cards as though performing a magic trick.
For murder was also on the menu that evening.
For King Lucan, who had returned from the hunt victorious, seemed to be in an unusually good mood. He laughed and joked with his noblemen and knights, but there was a cold glint in his eye when he looked at Queen Ava that made her uneasy. She watched on warily, daintily sipping on a chalice of wine handed to her by a noble of House Montable.
She was due to meet with her secret company later that evening in the Violet Forest. She only hoped the King had not caught onto her plans.
Ava decided to retire earlier than her husband and her guests as she had begun to feel lightheaded and feared the rolling clouds of thunder that were storming their way toward the Castle would soon put an end to the festivities anyway.
Just as she spied the door to the keep, lightning struck so loudly and so ferociously Ava didn’t hear the person who sprung from within the shadows. An arm whipped around her neck and a dark voice whispered, “you won’t make it out alive tonight, Queen Ava”.
For while citizens mostly enjoy sun drenched days, Crystal Hallow is known for its dangerously stormy weather. And when lightning strikes…
So too, do the unfavourable.

Bed Chamber
A bed chamber holds a lot of secrets…

The Great Hall: Pre- Murder
Suspects, here is the great hall at Castle Meta merely hours before Queen Ava retired…
Each brought a gift for the Crown, a weapon to be used for the next Great Hunt…
But only one was used to kill the Queen.

Grand Maester Report #1
• Queen was found face down in the river but no signs of drowning
• Open wound was found on chest & lacerations on face and neck
• Signs of a struggle were present
• No burns present

Chapter Two: Storms of Discontent
Some weeks before the celebrations of the Battle of Unicus Rock, rumblings of unrest had begun to stir. For the Crown had started to fall out of favor with its loyal citizens, many of whom were feeling the effects of increased taxes, shortages of food and material as well as a depleting defense force. Many blamed King Lucan for his poor management of Castle gold.
As citizens carried on their daily duties, they spoke quietly among themselves of the worries that may befall Crystal Hallow.
While for the most part, the tradesmen speak in tongues of bargain, with the potential to make deals for wool, iron, cows and horses among the merchants; There are some who despise the King’s ruling which demands a higher tax on their profits. A Unicus Tax the royal court calls it. Unicus Bullshit, say the common folk.
In the distance, the distinct, high pitched giggles could be heard. The Queen’s Maids love to gossip and being in such close quarters to the Queen, who was so blissfully unaware of her ignorance, they always had something to report.
“Well you know the King and Queen haven’t laid down together since last summer?”
“AND she’s been spending a lot of time with a certain someone who ISN’T named Alexander and whom DOESN’T wear a crown?”
“No wonder I’m always cleaning double the mess in the chamber pots!”
“Ahh of course. I was wondering why the guest halls always needed tending to! We haven’t had any guests!”
The high pitched giggles recede into the air, the gentle wind carrying the sound up towards the heavens.
But it seems tradesmen’s anguish and an unfaithful wife weren’t the only things our dear King had to worry about, with talks of a Donaghue uprising beginning to form. In a hidden corner, untouched by the kerosene light, hurried hush whispers could be heard.
“Lord Westbrook, we know the Unicus Tax is only lining the King’s pocket, he doesn’t give a rats arse about the Knights not having enough quality weapons in the chance of an uprising from the Donaghues.”
“Sir Dane, we know all of the peril the Knights face. The whole Castle faces, blast it to hell, even the peasants, the dirty scoundrels they are, will feel the pinch of this bloody, nonsensical tax. I hear the Donaghue’s have joined forces with House Ironside. If what I hear is true we’re all going to have larger worries”.
“The King must be abolished,” Sir Dane Hugo said with fervor before pausing while a rakish smirk transformed his bearded face, “King Westbrook has a certain charm to it, no?”
Lord Westbrook returned the grin with one of his own, “With the help of Queen Ava the Daft, we’ll be rid of the King in no time…”

Chief Justiciar Report #1
• Queen Maids met before the celebration as is customary
• Rumours of a hooded figure wandering the chambers have surfaced
• Queen Ava was found under a blood moon

Suspicion at the Tradesmen Shop
Suspects, a witness has come forward stating that there was unusual activity taking place in one of the tradesman’s workshops a few days before the celebration of Unicus Rock….

Chapter Three: How it All Began
They year is 1405, famine has run rampant throughout the realm. Villagers are sick, people are starving. King William Donaghue III seems to have lost interest in the position altogether.
The people need aid and guidance now more than ever. Those closest to William warn him of war. Whispers of an uprising led by arch-rival house and family, the Lucans, grow louder by the day.
The Lucans and the Donaghues have been battling ever since their inception into the world. Like a never-ending game of chess, one never wins but rather holds the advantage. The Donaghues seem to hold the upper hand, though the Lucans are definitely the more wealthy of the two.
Remarkably, both houses seem to breed predominantly males, making their attempts at marrying one of the daughters of the Montables, just another sport-like competition.
It won’t be long now until King William’s oldest son, Kenric, heir to the throne, will be the one to lead the charge. It was this time 5 years prior that Kenric slayed Cyrpian Lucan, King.
The legend of Kenric precedes him. He is a born leader and definitely a man of the people. Many hope that his father, King William, passes in the night. Not a very nice wish, though it may indeed be what’s best for the people.
Not only a historic site but also one that breeds a variety of vital resources, including ore and precious metals. If you want to rule the territory, you must first control Unicus Rock.
At the helm of the Lucans now is Son of Cyprian, Alexander. Stunning in both appearance and stature, Alexander boasts a pedigree of being a smart financier. You don’t become the richest house in the land without it.
Since the death of his father however, there has only been one thing on his mind, vengeance. Though not known as supreme fighters, the Lucans have always paid for one of the strongest armies known in the realm. Alexander aims to change this narrative.

An Unfinished Scroll
King Lucan has found a half written scroll in one of the guest bed chambers.
There was also large amounts of wine spilled all over the room…
Who wrote this?
Why didn’t they finish?

Chapter Four: The Last Great War
It had finally arrived, war. The Lucans first attacked the Donaghues at Castle Meta, a plan that was definitely no secret, but fell on deaf ears of the ‘checked- out’ King William. Necessary precautions were not taken.
After a glorious start by the Lucans, the Donaghues battled back, pushing the fight towards Unicus Rock. It would continue for weeks without either side backing down.
The Lucan Army, sporting the strongest armour and weaponry riches can by. The Donaghues, built with a foundation of sound fighting technique and pure determination. Something had to give. The armies were going blow for blow.
The terrain on Unicus rock was treacherous enough, but now, the climate was also about to change. In an instant a storm bringing lightning, hail, and the mysterious purple fog would roll in atop the peak. Maybe this is where the fight shall be determined, maybe the end was near.
As the storm rolled in, the armies on Unicus Rock prepared for the worst. The hail pelted against the ground, striking fear into the hearts of even the bravest soldiers. The purple fog was like nothing anyone had ever seen before, and it seemed to engulf everything in its path, making it nearly impossible to see what was happening around them.
The Donaghues tried to take advantage of the situation, but the Lucans, who had trained for harsh weather, proved to be more nimble and agile. The Lucans were able to use the terrain to their advantage, using the rocks and boulders as cover, while the Donaghues were left exposed.
The two sides continued to fight fiercely, neither giving an inch. It was a brutal, hand-to-hand battle, with swords and axes clashing against each other. As the storm raged on, the purple fog became denser, making it even harder to see.
Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck the peak of Unicus Rock, and a brilliant light flooded the battlefield. The armies were momentarily stunned. No one more so than King William. In this moment, Alexander Lucan saw an opportunity. He leapt quickly from rock to rock.
Soon, he was in front of the dazed King. He lifted his sword with both hands and clenched his teeth. As he drove forward with the sword, Kenric Donaghue watched from afar, knowing what was about to happen. It was as if things were moving in slow motion.
As Alexander thrust his sword through King William’s heart, a loud grunt could be heard across Crystal Hallow. The Donaghue army, now realising what had taken place, were quick to surrender.
Just like that, the Lucans had won the long, hard-fought battle. Kenric tried to revive his father, but he was already gone. The vicious storm ended. Hail stopped, clouds cleared and all that remained was a blood moon. A new King would now reign supreme… King Alexander Lucan.

Crystal Hallow: A Lay of the Land
Welcome to Crystal Hallow, I offer you a lay of the land to assist you on your journey.
Upon our hallowed ground, sits three major houses.
- House Lucan
- House Donaghue
- House Montable
To the South, towering stones forge the mighty fortress of the prestigious Castle Meta, in which King Alexander Lucan sits on the coveted throne.
To the North, standing so tall its peaks sit amongst the clouds, is Unicus Rock. For centuries, the Houses have warred on its treacherous terrain in an attempt to claim the rich resources of iron, ore and the mysterious Unicus diamond. Thousands of men have perished here, hoping to fly their flag upon the summit.
Dividing the houses to the east and west is the Violet Forest, known to many as the ‘Violent Forest’. At night, strangled voices and screams can be heard… and on more than one occasion, some who entered the woods, did not return. The deep purple trees enshrine the forest in darkness, with a thick and smokey fog making it easy to get lost. Best not to venture there alone.
While citizens are welcomed with sunny skies, do not let this fool you… for Crystal Hallow is known for its stormy weather. And often when the lightning strikes… so too do the unfavourable.

Chapter Five: Queen Ava the Daft
To the common eye, the Queen was nothing more than a trophy, her only duty to sit prettily atop the hearth, for all to cast their admiring gaze upon.
She knew what the maids whispered of, about her and King Lucan. A loveless marriage, separate chambers, and the nonsense that only castle gossip could drum up.
Though it certainly was a marriage of convenience, like many at the time, love does manifest itself in other forms, namely loyalty. And Queen Ava’s friendship to her husband was unmatched by any in all the Castle. Two people bound by duty, held together by the delicate fibers of trust.
So she played the part of the daft, pretty Queen as this suited her just fine. It allowed her to move fairly unencumbered throughout the castle, overhearing the mindless chatter of the maids, or the more deceptive war plans of the Knights, claiming blissful ignorance.
But as she stood in the shadows, back pressed against the rough cobblestones, her heart beating frantically as she overheard the Knight and the Noble whispering thoughts of treason, and plans to use her to get to her very own husband. She knew something had to be done to save her King.
And so, a plan began to take shape. Let them believe that she was indeed Queen Ava the Daft as she unravels their carefully laid plans, thread by thread.

Chapter Six: A Plan Revealed
She knew her easiest way in was with the one closest to her, Genevieve, a Queen Maiden. Ava began to drop hints of unrest, carefully revealing different morsels of information to her and simply waited to see when she began to prod for more details.
Genevieve, hair like golden treasure, blood red eyes that held a face that beguiled innocence but masked a cunning deception. Queen Ava knew Gen was the one who would take her to the people who plotted to kill the King. She just needed to continue to earn her trust.
Daily for weeks upon weeks, Queen Ava would favour Genevieve among the other Maidens, giving her special treatment. Taking extra care to lash the King with insults while strategically imbibing the conversation with information that could be easily be shared and used to plot…
“The King it would seem,” Queen Ava lamented one day to an attentive Genevieve, “is as useless in office as he is in the bedroom. Sometimes I do wish my father had married me off to a Donaghue rather than a Lucan.”
Genevieve, whose excitement could barely be contained, finally broke.
“My Queen, if I may speak?”
“Of course, you may speak freely with me Genevieve, I believe I have already revealed too much for me not to be able to trust you.”
“If you truly wish to be wed to a Donaghue, I… I may be able to help.”
“Really?” The Queen feigned excitement, “do tell me more!”
While the Queen’s smile could easily have been mistaken for glee as Genevieve began to reveal the plans her and a group who had dubbed themselves the Mavericks had developed, internally she knew this was the start of saving not only her beloved King Alexander, but the citizens of Crystal Hallow.